Lantic Inc.

Sugar Products
Location name Address
Lantic Inc. - Compania Agricola Industrial Santa Ana S.A. Km 64.5 Ruta a Santa Kucia Cotzumalguapa Finca Los Cerritos, 05 01000 GTM
Lantic Inc. (Lantic Blending) 230 Midwest Road Toronto, ON M1P3A9 CAN
Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery 4026 Notre Dame est Montreal, QC H1W 2K3 CAN
Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 5405 – 64th Street Taber, AB T1G 2C4 CAN
Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 123 Rogers St. Vancouver, BC V6A 3N2 CAN
Please do not request to connect to this location - Head office - Lantic Inc. Montreal, CAN 4026 Notre Dame E Montreal, QC H1W 2K3 CAN
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
3rd Party Audit Report Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 0_10YY_Lantic_Inc__-_Vancouver_Refinery_Re-certification__Audit_Report.pdf 10/13/2021 1/9/2023
GFSI Audit Report Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 0_10YY_Lantic_Inc__-_Vancouver_Refinery_Re-certification__Audit_Report.pdf 10/13/2021 1/9/2023
GFSI Audit Report Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery 0047833344-000 1221 Lantic Inc_ Montreal Refinery Re-certification _ upgrade from v5 to v5_1 Audit .pdf 12/7/2021 1/31/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-05-002 Hazard Control - Preventive Control - Food Safety Plan - Sugar Packaging Forms 1910.pdf 7/28/2021 7/28/2023
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-05-002 Hazard Control - Preventive Control - Food Safety Plan - Sugar Packaging Forms 1910.pdf 6/21/2021 6/20/2024
Environmental Policy Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-013 Compliance with Regulatory Agencies.pdf 1/14/2022 1/14/2023
Supplier Approval Program Statement Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-014 Good Manufacturing Practices.pdf 1/17/2022 1/17/2023
Recall Plan Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-018 Product Recall and Voluntary Withdrawal for Rogers Brand.pdf 1/18/2022 1/18/2023
CTPAT Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-021 CoC for US customers - FSVP Statement.pdf 1/19/2022 1/19/2023
Bioterrorism Letter Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-021 CoC for US customers - FSVP Statement.pdf 1/19/2022 1/19/2023
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-027 LIVR General Information and Contact Details.pdf 1/11/2022 1/11/2023
Ethical Code of Conduct Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-036 Employment Standards and Labour Law Compliance.pdf 1/31/2021 1/31/2023
Food Defense Plan Statement Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery 10-QA-07-043 Food Defence Statement.pdf 1/21/2021 1/21/2023
GFSI Audit Report Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 2 Lantic Taber 2021 P1 Unannounced FSSC 22000 V 51 Report_June 20-05.pdf 6/8/2021 6/8/2022
Supplier Approval Program Statement Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 22-GD-00-109 Rev 00 Supplier Approval Program Statement.pdf 6/6/2022 6/6/2023
Allergen Control Policy Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 22-GD-02-001 Rev 08 Allergen Control Program.docx 12/14/2021 12/14/2023
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 22-GD-02-024 Rev 03 Product Recall Programme - For customers.pdf 12/13/2021 12/13/2022
Recall Plan Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 22-GD-02-024 Rev 03 Product Recall Programme - For customers.pdf 12/13/2021 12/13/2022
Food Defense Plan Statement Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 22-QA-01-003 Rev 00 Food Defense Policy Statement.pdf 5/31/2021 5/31/2023
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 22-WP-05-010 HACCP FORM 10 Granulated Sugar.pdf 2/3/2022 2/2/2025
HACCP Plan (Facility) Lantic Inc. Taber Factory 22-WP-05-801 Rev 10 HACCP Forms 1 2 - Granulated Sugar.pdf 5/21/2021 5/21/2023
Allergen Control Policy Please do not request to connect to this location - Head office - Lantic Inc. Montreal, CAN Allergen Check List - Lantic Inc - 2018.pdf 1/16/2018 1/16/2020
Allergen Control Policy Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Allergen Check List - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 1/6/2022 1/6/2024
Bioterrorism Letter Lantic Inc. Taber Factory BIOTERRORISM REG STATEMENT 2022 REVISED.pdf 1/1/2022 1/1/2023
Bioterrorism Letter Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery BIOTERRORISM REG STATEMENT 2022.pdf 1/1/2022 1/1/2023
CTPAT Lantic Inc. Taber Factory Certification-of-Origin-EN-2020.05.20.xlsx 1/1/2020 12/31/2020
Ethical Code of Conduct Lantic Inc. Taber Factory Ethical Sourcing Policy Statement-Lantic 2021.pdf 10/29/2021 10/29/2023
Ethical Code of Conduct Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery ETI Code suppliers.pdf 10/13/2020 10/13/2022
CTPAT Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery FDA LETTER 2021.pdf 1/31/2021 1/31/2022
FDA Registration Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery FDA LETTER 2021.pdf 1/1/2021 12/31/2022
FDA Registration Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery FDA LETTER 2021.pdf 1/1/2021 1/1/2023
FDA Registration Lantic Inc. Taber Factory FDA LETTER 2022.pdf 1/1/2022 1/31/2023
CA Transparency Act Lantic Inc. (Lantic Blending) Form 8 - California Transparency Letter - Lantic Inc. all sites.pdf 5/6/2020 5/6/2022
CA Transparency Act Lantic Inc. Taber Factory Form 8 - California Transparency Letter - Lantic Inc. all sites-2021.pdf 7/8/2021 7/8/2023
CA Transparency Act Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery Form 8 - California Transparency Letter - Lantic Inc. all sites-2021.pdf 7/8/2021 7/8/2023
CA Transparency Act Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Form 8 - California Transparency Letter - Lantic Inc. all sites-2021.pdf 7/8/2021 7/8/2023
3rd Party Audit Certificate Please do not request to connect to this location - Head office - Lantic Inc. Montreal, CAN FSSC 22000 certificate 2016-2019 - Lantic Inc - Montreal.pdf 1/19/2016 1/31/2019
3rd Party Audit Report Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery FSSC 22000 certificate V51 Montreal Refinery.pdf 12/9/2021 1/31/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery FSSC 22000 certificate V51 Montreal Refinery.pdf 3/11/2022 1/31/2025
GFSI Certificate Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery FSSC 22000 certificate V51 Montreal Refinery.pdf 3/10/2022 1/31/2025
3rd Party Audit Certificate Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery FSSC 749897 Lantic Inc. - Vancouver Refinery.pdf 1/7/2022 1/9/2025
GFSI Certificate Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery FSSC 749897 Lantic Inc. - Vancouver Refinery.pdf 1/7/2022 1/9/2025
3rd Party Audit Report Lantic Inc. Taber Factory FSSC 759119_Lantic Inc Taber.pdf 2/25/2022 8/25/2022
3rd Party Audit Certificate Lantic Inc. Taber Factory FSSC 759119_Lantic Inc Taber.pdf 2/25/2022 8/25/2022
GFSI Certificate Lantic Inc. Taber Factory FSSC 759119_Lantic Inc Taber.pdf 2/25/2022 8/25/2022
3rd Party Audit Report Please do not request to connect to this location - Head office - Lantic Inc. Montreal, CAN FSSC Audit Report-Lantic 2017.pdf 11/22/2017 11/23/2018
HARPC Food Safety Plan (Facility) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery HACCP Food Safety and Quality statement - 2021.pdf 1/20/2021 1/20/2024
Supplier Approval Program Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Letter of guarantee - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 1/7/2022 1/7/2023
Environmental Policy Lantic Inc. Taber Factory LITF Environmental Policy 2022.pdf 10/8/2021 10/8/2022
Allergen Control Policy Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery NotApplicable_AllergenControlPolicy.pdf 5/10/2022 5/9/2024
Environmental Policy Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_EnvironmentalPolicy.pdf 12/27/2021 12/27/2022
HACCP Plan (Facility) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_HACCPPlanFacility.pdf 12/27/2021 12/27/2023
Organizational Chart Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_OrganizationalChart.pdf 10/6/2021 10/6/2022
Recall Plan Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery NotApplicable_RecallPlan.pdf 3/3/2022 3/3/2023
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Recall contact - Lantic Inc - 2022.pdf 1/10/2022 1/10/2023
Recall/Emergency/Contact List Please do not request to connect to this location - Head office - Lantic Inc. Montreal, CAN Recall contact Lantic Inc 2018.pdf 1/16/2018 1/16/2019
CTPAT Please do not request to connect to this location - Head office - Lantic Inc. Montreal, CAN security letter 2018.pdf 1/1/2018 1/1/2019
Food Defense Plan Statement Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Security letter Bio terrorisme 2021.pdf 1/1/2021 1/1/2023
Supplier Questionnaire Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 4/2/2021 4/2/2023
Supplier Questionnaire Lantic Inc. Taber Factory Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 5/3/2022 5/2/2024
Supplier Questionnaire Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 3/18/2022 3/17/2024
Supplier Questionnaire Please do not request to connect to this location - Head office - Lantic Inc. Montreal, CAN Supplier Questionnaire.pdf 3/30/2018 3/29/2020
Sustainability (Level 1) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 4/2/2021 4/1/2024
Sustainability (Level 1) Lantic Inc. Taber Factory Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 10/7/2021 10/6/2024
Sustainability (Level 1) Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery Sustainability (Level 1).pdf 6/9/2021 6/8/2024
Sustainability (Level 2) Lantic Inc. Vancouver Refinery Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 6/9/2021 6/8/2024
Sustainability (Level 2) Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 4/2/2021 4/1/2024
Sustainability (Level 2) Lantic Inc. Taber Factory Sustainability (Level 2).pdf 10/7/2021 10/6/2024
W-9 Lantic Inc. Montreal Refinery W8BEN-E Lantic signed.pdf 1/1/2021 1/1/2024