
9.375 French Market Gold Frac Film (135760)

The food contact surfaces of any of our products do not contain components derived from food types as listed in the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA) and in Annex IIIa of European Union Directive 2000/13/EC as amended by Directives 2006/142/EC and 2003/89/EC). These food types include peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soybeans, fish, crustaceans, celery, mustard, sesame seeds, mollusks, lupines, and sulfur dioxide and sulfites. We do not procure any direct material or processing aid knowingly containing any of the listed allergens, therefore there is virtually no possibility ofallergen cross contamination. Allergen Control Policy Purpose: Inform employees of all allergens that may contaminate our products and pose a food safety risk to our clients. Explain the importance of our preventive measures put in place to manage this risk. GMP policies -kept numbers potentially pertaining to Allergens: 1. Hands must be cleaned before entering product contact area and after each absence from the work station. Sanitizing soap provided at designated sinks must be used. Absence from the work stations include, but not limited to: using handkerchiefs, restroom breaks, smoking, drinking, lunch or dinner breaks, rest breaks and handling contaminated material. (Note: Personnel who use gloves as part of their duties must also follow hand washing requirements.) 2. Personnel entry to manufacturing areas are through the personnel access doors ONLY. All doors are kept closed. Doors are not left open for extended periods when access for waste removal or shipping and receiving is required. Do not let people in with your pass. 3. No use of tobacco products of any type is permitted inside the plant. Smoking, chewing, eating, candy or spitting is not permitted in areas where product is produced, stored or otherwise exposed. 4. No storage of candy, food or snacks is allowed on the product floor, in locker room area or storage areas. No eating is allowed in the production or warehouse areas. Beverages must be in a closed container (e.g. covered cups, capped sports bottle). Food and beverages will only be consumed in designated areas. 5. Safety shoes, safety glasses and hearing protection will be required in all areas next to processing equipment. 6. Hair nets or hats are required for all associates working on the production. Long Hair that may become entangled in machinery must be bound or restrained. If wearing a hat, then it must be kept tucked in hat or out the back. Hood employees wear white hairnets, visitors wear red hairnets and contractors wear blue hairnets. Visitors wearing red hairnets must always be accompanied by a Hood employee. 7. Associates with infectious diseases, infected cuts, boils, sores or lesions that cannot be bandaged and protected with an impervious material are prohibited from handling work in process, finished goods, unbaled or unboxed products. Must contact Supervisor if you have any of these conditions. Blue, metalized band aids found in First Aid cabinet are to be worn when working in the plant. 8. Uniforms provided by Company must be worn. All shirts must have sleeves. Any excessively loose clothing that might catch or become entangled in machinery is not allowed: shirttails must be tucked in at all times. Shorts must be no more than 4 inches above the knee. Shirts must not display offensive wording, symbols or pictures of any kind. Associates violating these guidelines will be asked to clock out to change their inappropriate attire. 9. Clothing shall be cleaned, maintained, stored, laundered and worn as not to present a contamination risk to the product. Excessively soiled uniforms must be changed where they present a contamination risk. 10. Personal items (coats, purses, etc.) should be stored in the lockers or area provided and shall not be brought into production areas. 11. Employees, visitors, and contractors must NOT carry any loose items above their waste in shirt pockets, jackets or vest pockets while in the production area. This includes, but not limited to, pens, pencils, cell phones, utility knives, keys, etc. Support personal are allowed unless working directly on the machine. 14. All employees have the responsibility and authority to report evidence of insect and rodents immediately to the Quality Manager. If he/she is not available, then they are to report it to their Shift Supervisor, Lead Person or Plant Manager who will then notify the Quality Manager. There is also a Log hanging outside the Production office (AH) or in the lunch room (Roseville) where these sightings can be noted. Other policies in place that pertain to this topic: Food allergens consist of: peanuts, nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soybeans, fish, shellfish, celery, mustard, sesame seeds, molluscs, and lupin, as well as sulfur dioxide and sulfites. In order to reduce the risk of allergic cross-contamination, we do not buy raw materials or treatment additives that contain any of the allergens listed above. Each new supplier is evaluated before being placed on our list of approved suppliers. Suppliers must fill out a quality control and food safety questionnaire. Suppliers are also asked to fill out a list allergens for their products. HACCP Program in place - no CCP's for our facility
Packaging – Food Contact
Location name Address
Hood Packaging Corp - Arden Hills (Plastic Div) 1887 Gateway Blvd, Arden Hills, MN 55112
Type Location File name Effective Expiration
Product Specification Sheet Hood Packaging Corp - Arden Hills (Plastic Div) 48ga metPET-125 mil PE.pdf 5/7/2021 5/6/2024
Food Contact Packaging Certificate of Compliance Hood Packaging Corp - Arden Hills (Plastic Div) A Hood Packaging Regulatory Compliance Summary 2017-3.pdf 7/6/2017 7/6/2019
Allergens Hood Packaging Corp - Arden Hills (Plastic Div) Allergens.pdf 4/26/2019 4/25/2021
Phthalate Esters Letter Hood Packaging Corp - Arden Hills (Plastic Div) Hood Packaging Fx BPA-S-F and Phthalate Declaration 2021-0 7 Jan 2021.pdf 1/7/2021 1/7/2022
Item Questionnaire Hood Packaging Corp - Arden Hills (Plastic Div) Item Questionnaire.pdf 4/26/2019 4/25/2020
Lot Code Hood Packaging Corp - Arden Hills (Plastic Div) Register of Labels HP Reading Labels 112019.pdf 11/20/2019 11/19/2022